Monday Musings - Free is Expensive

What is your most valuable asset?
I’ll give you a clue.
It doesn’t have a monetary value.
And every day you have less of it left.
Of course I am talking about time.
It is the one thing you can’t buy more of.
When it runs out, it runs out.
So what are you doing to make the most of your time?
I will tell you what I stopped doing.
I stopped spending hours scrolling through YouTube trying to find free information on things I wanted to learn about and invested in my education.
I stopped aimlessly scrolling through Facebook (alright, it catches me out sometimes, I have to be on my guard!!)
I stopped binge watching TV series (except Stranger Things, love that show!!).
I made a conscious decision to value my time.
I’m 51, so not old, but not getting any younger and over the last few years have had the urge to accelerate progress towards my goals.
Out of the time savers above, investing in my education has had the biggest impact on my life by far.
I was picking my way through a plethora of YouTubers and going to workshops and partially understanding what I was hearing, but struggling to tie it all together in a way that made sense to me to be able to take action.
So I bought a course to help get me where I wanted to be faster.
That was the Blockchain Assets Course. It made a huge difference to my understanding of the blockchain space and was a massive step towards understanding this space.
In fact it is the course led to me becoming a coach at DBM!
And it led to me earning an income in Blockchain and crypto far more quickly than I could ever have got there alone.
So next time you are ready to spend hours searching for information that is readily available elsewhere, but at a cost, make a conscious decision as to how much you really value your time.
We have new intakes for the Blockchain Assets Course starting on 7 December and 14 December.
Make 2023 the year you start valuing your time.
Get a head start now by signing up!
Scroll down the page to find the link to sign up for the 7 and 14 December intakes!
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