DBM Academy

Easy to use
Clear Buy/Sell signal
Useful indicators

Everyone in Crypto should learn to trade

Whether you are looking to learn how to trade by using an efficient and easy to use strategy, or want to learn how to interpret the chart, this course is for you.

Learning to read the charts will not only help you trade, but will help you find the best time to enter the market, because whether you are aware of this or not, with the right strategy, you can make profits in a... 



  • Do you avoid looking at charts?
  • Do they all look the same?
  • Unclear of which indicators are useful?

    • Watched videos on YouTube, but still no clarity?
    • Already traded and always sold at a loss?
    • Looking for a simple strategy to help you trade?


 Without a doubt, if you are a beginner like me you will benefit from the clear, step by step guide provided by Nanicrypto! You get details from her own experience starting from scratch and so you build confidence in following the process and understanding why you do the setup and the trade in a certain way.

Even more advanced crypto traders benefit from her charts as she is absolutely thorough and trades when the setup is there right on the chart!

I absolutely recommend you have a session with her or join her group...
it will be time well invested!!

- Tracy Ann


"Thank you for the valuable information that you provided. For someone who seeks for a straight forward crypto trading method. Diana is the person to guide you.

Looking forward to our next session."

-Lefteris Fountis