I wish I had ...
**I wish I had …**
I wish I had bought far more BTC when I first started out in 2012.
I wish I had bought far more BTC when I bought just a little in 2013.
I wish I had bought far more BTC when everybody was laughing at me in 2014.
I wish I had bought far more BTC when it started to dawn on me bitcoin is the real deal in 2015.
I wish I had bought far more BTC when I had that bigger chunk of fiat currency.
“I wish I had” is a phrase I have used a lot myself and I still hear too often come from other people.
Do you recognise the “I wish I had"?
What is it you wished you had?
And how does it makes you feel?
Is it DCA-ing (Dollar Cost Average) BTC like me?
Or is it something else?
Asking the love of your life to a date perhaps? ;)
How can we prevent the “I wish I had” saying and feeling?
First of all focus on what you *did* do and learn from what wished you had done. Accept the fact you can’t change the past, but you can change the future!
And you can do that by acting NOW.
With the awareness of what could have been if …, you can make different choices NOW.
I think we can’t completely prevent the “I wish I hads” in our lives, but I truly believe we are all capable of empowering ourselves to focus on what we CAN affect NOW.
So go out there and do what you wished you had done on a day in the past, it is never too late to START!
And those who have not yet adopted the habit of DCA-ing BTC … GO AND DO IT NOW!
Even if it is just $5 or $10, in the long term that will make a difference for you!
If you could use some help with getting started check out the workshop schedule here >> https://www.dbm.academy/dbm-workshops-schedule
Or become an income subscriber and get hands on tailor made help with your blockchain journey >> https://www.dbm.academy/sign-up-/-log-in